In this research, the researcher, design and developed conceptual integrated process
management metamodel that improves the human centred software development
(HCSD). Human centred software development (HCSD) is approach of software
development for design and develop according to end-users’requirements and feedback.
In this reserch, the researcher design and developed conceptual software process
management metamodel by the integration of agile-human centric methodologies like :
agile extreme programming (XP), scrum technology with the design thinking (DT)
approaches. This metamodel increase process management, response of end-users’s
feedback and requirments, efficiently managed the users’s incoming data, and the amount
of data it can be quickly capture and passed for further development stages of software
development life cycle (SDLC). This research employs that developed conceptual
metamodel provides development team an environment of out of the box thinking for
problem solving on the basis of end-user’s requirements and demands. Agile engineering
approach is an enabler to accelerate software product delivery on time, manage user’s
priorities in the dynamic stages of software designing and increased the product
efficiency and effectiveness. Design thinking (DT) approach provide quality and
potential solutions for product and services and an increase productivity and end-user’s
operational behavior improvement and also takes the advantage of innovation ideas in
ongoing process delivery and increase user acceptance index factors in every stages of
software development designing and process management in context to human-centric
environment. Develop conceptual human centred software development (HCSD)
metamodel main working domain is capture dynamic requirements of end-users in
proactive manner and also produce systemtatically and realistic solution towards the
changeable environment of business stakeholder and designing team feeeback and
assurance of product delivery. This huma centred software development (HCSD)
metamodel increase statisfaction of designing phase and analyse their user statifaction
level through the product reliability metrics and by the end-users feedback and provide
the conceptual solution for the end-users requirements prospective. This developed
conceptual metamodel provide synthesis and validate solution by the involvement of
users in through out the life cycle of process designing and development and gives
assurance towards the designing goals and requirements. This develop conceptual
metamodel provide feedback and response interface throughout the designing and
development phases of software and process management and for this approach
designing team and stakeholder takes the end-users responses/requirements in dynamic
stages of process re-engineering and development and also involved data predication and
forecasting for data realiability. The human centred software development (HCSD)
metamodel works optimaztions of clients requirments and reduce the gaps between the
development team members communication and make data retention of user’s
statisfaction on top priority at every stages of software development and process
designing and also increae the user acceptance index factors and standards through data
integrity and validation process and activity.
Keywords: Human Centred Software Development, Process Management, Agile
Engineering, Design Thinking (DT) and Product Reliability.