Department of Physics: Recent submissions
Now showing items 81-100 of 148
Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
(arXiv , 2015) -
A Treatise on the Analytical Dynamics of Particles and Rigid Bodies
(Cambridge University Press, 1917) -
Geometrical Optics
( Longmans, Green, and Co., 1913) -
Worked Examples in the Geometry of Crystals
(Institute of Metals, 2006) -
As Scales Become Separated: Lectures on Effective Field Theory
(, 2019) -
Introduction to Superstring Theory
(arXiv , 1998) -
Generally Covariant Quantum Theory
(viXra , 2016) -
(Teubner , 1907) -
Observers and Splitting Structures in Relativistic Electrodynamics
(arXiv , 2014) -
Fluctuation-Dissipation: Response Theory in Statistical Physics
(arXiv , 2008) -
The Renaissance of Science: The Story of the Atom, Mathematics, Astronomy and Physics
(Project Gutenberg, 2016) -
Cyclotrons: Magnetic Design and Beam Dynamics
( , 2018) -
The Monte Carlo Method in Quantum Field Theory
(arXiv , 2007) -
Partial Differential Equations of Physics
(arXiv , 1996) -
Classical Electromagnetism: A Graduate Course
(The University of Texas at Austin, 1996) -
Mathematics for the Physical Sciences
(Dover Publications , 1962) -
The Theory Of Gravity
(arXiv , 2002) -
Overview of Bohemian Mechanics
(arXiv , 2012) -
Introduction to Computational Quantum Mechanics
(arxiv , 2014) -
Essential Physics 1
( , 2000)