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dc.contributor.authorDubey, Ashutosh
dc.contributor.authorSharna, Gagnesh
dc.description.abstractHow could salty water from the oceans and seas be transformed into drinkable water that can be utilized for individuals to drink? Through a water purification process called solar powered water water desalination! Desalination of water using solar energy has a number of different technologies. In addition to being useful in homes, a solar water desalination framework can be made available with quickly available materials, and based on a free energy source, which is sunlight. Both heat (thermal) and mechanical energy are required to remove salt and contaminations from seawater. Since it utilizes free, regular energy sources and delivers no harmful effluents to the environment, sustainable power-driven water desalination is getting more notable, despite its costly foundation. Because sun-directed radiation can be used directly without converting energy, sun-directed radiation is generally preferred over other sustainable sources of energy for driving water desalination systems. A solar-powered water desalination system's energy pathway determines the new water source. By directly transferring gathered solar-based energy to seawater, direct solar water desalination frameworks combine solar energy collection and desalination into one system. Sunlight based refining utilizing sun oriented still is an illustration of direct sun powered water desalination. Backhanded sun powered water desalination frameworks involve two sub-frameworks: a sun-based assortment framework and a water desalination framework. As part of the sun-oriented collection sub-framework, heat is either gathered and supplied to a warm water desalination process through an intensity exchanger, or electromagnetic radiation is converted into electricity with photovoltaics to operate the desalination system. We can use any ordinary water desalination framework for the water desalination sub-framework. Keywords – solar energy, water-water desalination, solar-water desalination, solar concentrators, alternative energy, renewable energy, brine, humidification.
dc.titleSolar powered water desalinationTechnologies A Sustainable solutionen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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