The system of private turion has been in existence in India for a long time but in recent times it has
grown manifold affecting the very core of educational system. This system will help to find tuition
teachers from nearby locations. Teachers can also get student just by logging into the website and
setting up the profile. In the system there are three entities namely, Admin, Parents and Tutor. Admin
can login, manage tutor by adding new teachers and updating their profiles. Admin can also manage
E books by adding new books into the library. Admin can also check for the registered parents. Admin
will register tutors and credentials will be share to tutors by email. Parents can register and login,
tutors can be viewed by parents. Parents can filter and select the tutor and after selecting parents will
raise the request of demo lecture. After attending lecture, they can book the tutor online, rate the tutor
and view the E Books. Tutor can login by using credentials which will be provided by mail. They can
check for the request for demo lecture and accept the request. They can also check the booking done.
They need to set their profile. This system can help the tutors to get students and parents to find the
best tutors for their children’s.
- B.TECH [1324]