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dc.contributor.authorKumar, Rajnish
dc.contributor.authorKumar, Pratyush
dc.contributor.authorDas, Dr. D. Gnana Jeba
dc.description.abstractCoal mine accidents are becoming more common. Many skilled workers and labourers have died. There is no early warning system in place to detect the alarming cause of coal mine accidents and issue an alert. In the mining industry, workplace injuries and illnesses are common. Firedamp and residue blasts, landslips, mine flames, and transport and motorization related specialized disappointments are the most well-known reasons for mishaps in coal mining. As per an investigation of word related mishaps with regards to social and financial variables uncovers the genuine reasons for these mishaps, which are said to happen unavoidably because of specialized blemishes or disappointments. To save and shield the specialists from the risks, a robotized disturbing coal mineshaft mishap discovery framework is utilized. This framework utilizes the consolidated activity of a temperature, tension, and gas sensor, as well as an IOT module, to identify the temperature, strain, and climate in the coal mineshaft, as well as to log all information to the cloud utilizing information logging. Then, at that point, through information obtaining, these information are acknowledged by an administrator controlled server page. The information is handled on a server page, and an alarm is shipped off the gadget, which will streak the alert, as well with respect to the concerned authorities and salvage stations, who will go to safeguard lengths.en_US
dc.subjectElectronics and Communication Engineering, Arduino, LDR, Gas Sensor, Temperature Sensor, Humidity Sensor, Node MCU.en_US
dc.titleIoT Based Coal Mine Safety Monitoring and Alertingen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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    Electrical and Electronics Engineering

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