Drowsiness and fatigue are one of the main causes leading to road accidents. They can be prevented
by taking effort to get enough sleep before driving, drink coffee or energy drink, or havea rest when
the signs of drowsiness occur. The popular drowsiness detection method uses complexmethods,
such as EEG and ECG. This method has high accuracy for its measurement but it need to use
contact measurement and it has many limitations on driver fatigue and drowsiness monitor[18].
Thus, it is not comfortable to be used in real time driving. This paper proposes a way to detectthe
drowsiness signs among drivers by measuring the eye closing rate and yawning.
This project describes on how to detect the eyes and mouth in a video recorded from the
experiment conducted by MIROS (Malaysian Institute of Road Safety). In the video, a participant
will drive the driving simulation system and a webcam will be place in front of the driving
simulator. The video will be recorded using the webcam to see the transition from awaketo fatigue
and finally, drowsy. The designed system deals with detecting the face area of the image captured
from the video. The purpose of using the face area so it can narrow down to detect eyes and mouth
within the face area. Once the face is found, the eyes and mouth are foundby creating the eye for
left and right eye detection and also mouth detection.
The parameters of the eyes and mouth detection are created within the face image. The video
were change into images frames per second. From there, locating the eyes and mouth can be
performed. Once the eyes are located, measuring the intensity changes in the eye area determine
the eyes are open or closed.
If the eyes are found closed for 4 consecutive frames, it is confirm that the driver is in
drowsiness condition
- B.TECH [1324]