The idea is to utilize the combination of Deep Learning Object Detection, using
YOLO (You Only Look Once) and Deep SORT (Simple Online and Realtime
Tracking). We are looking into first classifying the person inside the video frames
by passing the frames into the neural networks and based on the output co ordinates we track the person using SORT. The idea is to track the person even
when his/her face is not visible.
There will be utilization of feature extraction and mapping along with frames
history. The analysis is fully done in videos after decomposition of videos. The
feature like clothes color, location coordinates will be utilized for this purpose.
The system will fully be capable of tracking multiple suspects in real-time. The
system need not to be fed with facial data, though it will be a useful and
implementable for improved accuracy. The system requires manual feeding of
target, which can be done by manual targeting or a presumed database with
suspicious person data, where descriptors of the person is gives. The system
utilizes Kalman Filter of original SORT algorithm for this purpose and the
outcome of this system is a warning or analysis on a person.
- B.TECH [1324]