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dc.contributor.authorTomer, Ankit Singh
dc.contributor.authorSHARMA, Prof. ASHOK KUMAR (Guide)
dc.description.abstract4 Abstract Global supply networks are riskier than local supply chains, owing to the various ties that connect a diverse network of businesses. These connections are susceptible to interruptions, bankruptcies, breakdowns, macroeconomic and political shifts, and calamities, all of which increase risks and complicate risk management. The goal of this study is to examine the phenomena of risk management in global supply chains and risk management solutions. This article is based on a thorough analysis of the literature and a qualitative research that included 14 in-depth interviews and a focus group with senior supply chain executives. The research sheds light on the applicability of six risk management techniques and the involvement of three moderators in relation to environmental variables. The research fills a need in the literature about the selection of risk management techniques in global supply chains. It applies grounded theory, a technique well-suited for theory development, to investigate a phenomena with an insufficient theoretical foundation.en_US
dc.subjectGlobal supply networksen_US
dc.subjectinventory flowen_US
dc.title10 steps to controlling inventory flow & driving warehouse efficiencyen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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