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dc.contributor.authorRaja, Rupak (1709303001)
dc.contributor.authorJain, Arvind Kumar ( Supervisor)
dc.contributor.authorAli, Imran (Co-Supervisor)
dc.description.abstractIt is believed plants and naturally available resources were been used as medicine since thousands of years before and these traditions were transmitted from generation to generation. The archaeological evidences as scriptures from Egypt, China and India also support this idea. During the evolution of life many natural things like, plant powder, spices, honey, sun, salt water, mud etc. were being used for the treatment of disease. Plants those have the healing power of disease are known as medicinal plants and also known as herbs in ancient literature. Ayurveda, the traditional way of treatment in India was originated from Atharveda (Indian oldest literature book) where many herbs were reported for the natural treatment of living being. Even the diet also emphasizes a natural way of treatment in Ayurvedaen_US
dc.publisherGalgotias Universityen_US
dc.subjectfluid Chromatographyen_US
dc.subjectPotential Chiral Drugsen_US
dc.titleSeparation and identification of some Potential chiral drugs on polysaccharides based immobilized columns using Supercritical fluid chromatographyen_US

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