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dc.contributor.authorKumar, Shiril -19SBAS1020010
dc.contributor.authorGupta, Dr. Anjali - Supervisor
dc.identifier.citationChemical Analysisen_US
dc.descriptionThe word cosmetics comes form the Greek word “kosmeticos” which meaning "kosmeticos," which meaning "to decorate and prepare." It is defined as an exterior preparation of the body, such as colouring, softening, cleansing, nourishing, waving, setting, preservation, removal, and protection of the nails, hair, and skin. according to another definition. "Resolving or splitting a thing into its pieces or components" is how the term analysis is defined. Cosmetics contain both natural and man made chemical ingredients. Cleansers, toners, serums, moisturisers, and balms can be used to wash, exfoliate, protect, and renew the skin. Shampoo and body wash designed for a variety of personal care needs can also be used to cleanse the body.en_US
dc.description.abstractHair maintenance and style are very essential in people's physical appearance and self- perception nowadays. Hair cosmetics are divided into two groups: those that have a temporary effect on the hair, such as shampoos, conditioners, oil, sprays, and temporary colours, and those that have a permanent influence on the hair, such as permanent waves, relaxers, bleaches, and permanent colours. In this report we discussed about Hair oil which has a temporary effect on hair. Hair oils come in a variety of forms, including coconut hair oil, almond drops hair oil, and dabur amla hair oil, among others. We will just address coconut hair oil and its chemical analysis in this study.This experiment investigates the composition of coconut hair oil. All of the raw materials used are listed, along with their functions and the quality testing that was done on them.en_US
dc.subjectChemical Analysisen_US
dc.subjectHair Oilen_US
dc.titleChemical Analysis of Hair Oilen_US

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