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dc.contributor.authorPAL, BANSIDHARI 19GSFC1020002
dc.contributor.authorYADAV, SAKSHAM 19GSFC1020013
dc.identifier.citationFinancial Literacy, Women in Delhi NCRen_US
dc.descriptionPeople's personal lives are increasingly intertwined with their professional ones, but these financial activities are becoming increasingly dispersed and difficult to grasp even in their most basic terms. Financial literacy refers to the ability to understand and apply financial concepts to one's daily life. For a lifetime of financial well-being, financial literacy is the ability to use knowledge and skills effectively to manage one's financial resources (PACFL, 2008). A person's financial literacy can be classified as either basic or advanced by the level of understanding they have of financial terminology (Lusardi, 2008). Compound interest, inflation, percentages, and other hands-on financial concepts are all part of basic financial literacy. The use of advanced financial terms, such as stock market, bond, mutual fund, equity share, etc., is a sign of advanced literacy.en_US
dc.subjectWomen in Delhi NCRen_US
dc.subjectFinancial Literacyen_US
dc.titleA study of Financial Literacy Among Women in Delhi NCRen_US

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